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Posted on in Email
What's in a Name?

So you started your own business. You decided on the right business structure, registered your company with the state and got a tax ID number.  You purchased business insurance. You spent time, maybe hours, days or weeks, thinking up a name for your company, you even asked friends and family what they thought of the name. You then created and printed business cards….everything is on track, right? But wait…. you may have just made a big marketing mistake.

Is the email address you have printed on your business cards one of the free email services like AOL, Outlook.comsbcglobal.netComcast.netgmail.comATT.net etc.. You may be thinking “so what, it still works!” but…. your email address reflects your business, making your business look less legitimate.  Domain names are not just for websites they are also your company’s email address! The cost of a domain name is approximately $25.00, which is cheaper than the cost to file your corporate identity, business insurance and even the cost of printing business cards. 

Posted on in Technology
January Newsletter 2015

Working with minimal risk with technology while being mobile

Very few us, in order to be successful in business, can be tied down. We have to be on the move, going to a potential client, ready to give them the service that they need. And in today's world it is easier than ever to have t digitally available, with smart phones, tablets and ultra light laptops.

But is all this safe? We hear more and more about data breaches at large corporations and other security issues that are plaguing the business climate. Hopefully today, by taking a few steps, we can help you be safe while also being mobile. 


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