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Posted on in Technology
Storms=Power Outage

We have been talking about ‘Storms’ in our blogs lately. The reason, well we just came out of mild winter, but the weather specialist is saying we could be in for a windy and stormy Spring, in fact we have already experience downpours, flooding, lightning, power surges and winds moving faster that 50 mph. We have talked about letting your employees work in the safety of their home. Before the storm starts to rage, lets re-evaluate how are you protecting your technology. Now let’s talk about keeping your computer, servers, printers and phones protected.

Lightning is a primary danger to a PC. The power in a bolt of lightning is immense and can instantly destroy electronic equipment.  A lightning strike, even miles away, can travel through wiring quickly, and leave computer components rendered useless. The sudden loss of power can cause significant damage to your computers, servers, printers, routers, modems, phones, etc. If you are a residential computer user power outages can affect you also, the loss of your computer can be heartbreaking. The loss of your data: family photos, family videos, music and data.

If you are a business owner the question is how much are data and equipment are we you able to lose, yet still maintain your company.

Posted on in Technology
Storms! Storms! Storms!

 It’s coming!  You know the storm is a coming!  The weatherperson can’t stop talking about the storm. You can’t avoid it, it is the reality of where we live.  At least once this spring the storm will hit us.  The weatherman will say, it’s the Storm of the Year, record breaking conditions, record rain and wind speeds that will require you to put rocks in your pockets.  The day where if you can stay home you do.  We are going to have a couple of discussions about this topic.

So let’s start off, the “Can I work from home” request. As a business owner you have to make a decision as to what to do for the day. If you allow your employees to work home do they have all of the right technology tools?

Posted on in Technology
Weatherman says "A Storm is Coming"

Weatherman says "A Storm is Coming"

It’s coming!  You know it is coming!  You can’t avoid it, it is the reality of where we live.  At least once this winter it will hit us.  The weatherman will say, it’s the Storm of the Year, record breaking conditions, including record snowfall and below zero temperatures.  The day where if you can stay home you do. 

As a business owner you have to make a decision as to what to do for the day. You really have two options:

1 – Remain open for the day no matter what the conditions are and risk the safety of all involved, but not lose any productivity.

2 – Close for the day and probably lose money and productivity.


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